Sale of the drug occurs directly at the pharmacy.
The final decision on the purchase, the purchase, and sometimes even the selection of the drug is made in the pharmacy.
Only streamlined work with the pharmacies - an important link of drugs sales, allows achieving a positive result in knowledge of pharmacy staff and in sales of your drug.
That's what company “Farm-ROST” does for many years in its "Pharmacy project," which has been implemented since 2005.
"Pharmacy Project" is based on correct and timely using of marketing activities among the participants of retail segment of the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine.
During the implementation of “Pharmacy project” the following marketing activities can be used:
· Support of producers’ marketing activity of in pharmacy chains and individual pharmacies - full assistance in contracting.
· Promotion of drugs – delivering of qualitative and quantitative information about drugs to pharmacy staff.
· Penetration – providing the availability of drugs.
· BTL - actions, "Mystery - Shopper" actions.
· Trainings for pharmacy employees - managers, pharmacists and pharmacists. Trainings are also possible to be organized on example of the client drugs.
Pharmacy retail project involves 270 pharmacy retail chains in Ukraine that include 7000 stores or generate 65.99% of the pharmaceutical sales.